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What To Expect From The Invisalign Process

Are you considering Invisalign clear aligners? As an alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign is becoming increasingly popular with adults and teens.  Invisalign is a clear, custom-made aligner, used to move and align teeth for better health and a great smile. It is changed approximately every two weeks for about six to 18 months, depending upon […]

October is National Orthodontic Health Month

October is National Orthodontic Health Month! During October, orthodontists around the country work to promote awareness about the benefits of orthodontic treatment and celebrate the far-reaching advantages of a healthy smile. If you’re looking to improve your child’s (or your own!) oral health game, it isn’t enough to simply hide the Halloween candy this month. […]

Introducing Our New Look!

Welcome to our brand new website! We are so excited to share our new look with you. In an ongoing effort to provide our patients and community with only the best services, we have updated not just our look, but the way you get around online. We designed the site with our patients in mind. […]

TMJ Disorder: We Have A Solution

What is TMJ? Your temporomandibular joint connects your jawbone to your skull. These small joints that create the hinge in front your ears get a lot of use. They facilitate the movement of your jaw, up and down, and from side to side. You use these joints and muscles all day long, whenever your chew, […]

Is Orthodontist Training Different Than a Dentist’s?

Dentists take care of many general oral health issues including x-raying and examining teeth to assess their soundness and health, cleaning teeth, and filling cavities caused by tooth decay. In this way, they’re similar to your primary care doctor, except that their focus is on your overall oral health. But even though a dentist can […]

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