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Before & After Results

Before After Class III crossbite beforeClass III crossbite after


Case: Class III crossbite

Treatment: We were able to correct her crossbite without surgery using traditional braces.

Before After Class III crossbite beforeClass III crossbite after
Before After Class II skeletal pattern beforeClass II skeletal pattern after


Case: Class II skeletal pattern and anterior open bite

Treatment: Traditional braces corrected her bite, without the need of extractions or surgery.

Before After Class II skeletal pattern beforeClass II skeletal pattern after
Before After Phase I treatment beforePhase I treatment after


Case: Phase I treatment with anterior crossbite and narrow jaw which could lead to crowding

Treatment: In this early treatment case we used upper and lower expanders to correct an anterior crossbite and widen her narrow upper jaw. This will allow room for her adult teeth to grow in without being overcrowded.

Before After Phase I treatment beforePhase I treatment after
Before After Impacted canines beforeImpacted canines after


Case: Impacted canines and anterior crossbite

Treatment: We used traditional braces with expansions to correct the anterior crossbite and create room for the impacted canines.

Before After Impacted canines before
Before After Severe upper crowding beforeSevere upper crowding after


Case: Severe upper crowding and narrow upper jaw

Treatment: This patient was treated with SARPE (surgical assisted rapid palate expansion) to create room in the jaw. The patient also wore traditional braces to straighten out the teeth.

Before After Severe upper crowding beforeSevere upper crowding after
Before After Anterior open bite beforeAnterior open bite after


Case: Anterior open bite with narrow upper jaw

Treatment: This patient was treated with Traditional braces and MSE expander which created room in her upper jaw

Before After Anterior open bite beforeAnterior open bite after
Before After Narrow upper jaw beforeNarrow upper jaw after


Case: Narrow upper jaw and crowding. Patient also reported difficulties with breathing through the nose.

Treatment: This patient was treated with a TAD expander and traditional braces. At the end of her treatment, reported improvements in nasal breathing

Before After Narrow upper jaw beforeNarrow upper jaw after
Before After Crossbite, narrow upper jaw before


Case: Crossbite, narrow upper jaw, overbite, blocked out canines

Treatment: We treated this patient without the need of extractions and used expansion to widen the upper jaw, which corrected the overbite, crossbite and allowed room for her canines to grow in properly.

Before After Deep bite, blocked out canines beforeDeep bite, blocked out canines after


Case: Deep bite, blocked out canines

Treatment: 18 Month Expansion fixed his deep bite and allowed room for his canines to grow in.

Before After jaw pain before


Case: Patient was experiencing jaw pain, her midline was off-center and her laterals were undersized which caused excessive spacing between the teeth.

Treatment: Traditional braces corrected her bite and midlines. The properly aligned bite provided stability which helps to prevent jaw pain.

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Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909


Monday 8:00-5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00-4:30 pm
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