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Early Interceptive Treatment

Maybe the dentist suggested your child see an orthodontist and you feel like he/she is too young get braces! The AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) recommends children be evaluated by an orthodontist around age 7 to check the progress of their erupting dentition. At age 7, most children will have lost some baby teeth and […]

Myofunctional Therapy: Your Orthodontist Can Help

Physical therapy is a common path to full functionality after an injury or surgery. Myofunctional orthodontic therapy works much the same way by training or retraining the soft tissue areas of the face, neck, and mouth. Glass Orthodontics in Chesapeake Va., shares some information about myofunctional therapy and orthodontics.  Who benefits from myofunctional therapy? Generally, […]

Mouthguards Are Essential For Athletes

Organized sports are a great opportunity for children to learn the thrill of competition and teamwork in a healthy, supportive environment. Unfortunately, contact sports for children carry the risk of potential mouth or dental injuries. Mouthguards for athletes are an essential part of their equipment, and Glass Orthodontics recommends that all children who participate in […]

Orthodontic Treatment Myths And Facts

Over the years, many myths have been spread about orthodontic treatment. Because of this, it can sometimes be super confusing to know what is and isn’t true. Glass Orthodontics wants to share some common myths and facts of orthodontic treatment.  Myth: Braces are only for children and teenagers.  Fact: Braces are effective for children, teenagers, […]

Accelerated Orthodontics at Glass Orthodontics

Accelerated orthodontics utilizes modern orthodontic tools to accelerate the tooth movement process during orthodontic treatment. The average orthodontic treatment lasts between 18 to 24 months. There are many factors that can affect how long a person will wear braces such as age, type of malocclusion, type of treatment and even good oral hygiene. The most […]

6 Daily Steps to Invisalign Success

When you choose Invisalign to straighten your teeth, you want to make sure you’re taking the right steps in order to be successful. Invisalign is an investment, and you want to make sure you follow all the right steps to get the brilliant smile you’ve always dreamed of having.  Dr. Glass and Glass Orthodontics also […]

National Orthodontic Health Month Is Here!

What does the month of October mean to you? For those of us on the Peninsula, October is when weather starts to get a little chilly; heavy jackets might come out of storage and summer clothes get packed away. You might start making plans for the upcoming holidays or looking at the beautiful changing autumn […]

Summer Foods that Don’t Hurt Braces

Summer is a time to relax and enjoy life! And what better way to do that than to indulge in some summer snacks? With braces, though, it can sometimes be a chore to find edibles that fit your mood while not endangering your braces. There are many summer foods that are both refreshing and safe […]

Braces Treat Dental Issues

Braces Treat Dental Issues While Giving You An Amazing Smile Straight teeth helps you look your best at job interviews, social gatherings, and even smiling to yourself in the mirror. But did you know that orthodontic treatment has more benefits than just a straight smile? Of course, the straight smile plays a large part, but […]

Braces and Cavities: Two Peas in a Pod

Many people who wear braces, both adults and children, tend to forget about general oral hygiene. It’s harder to brush your teeth, as a large portion of them are covered with metal. Then, there are the rubber bands, the tightening wires, and other wires that make it even more difficult to brush, floss, and keep […]

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