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Braces For The Entire Family


Your child is growing up and has reached an important time in their life – the time to give them a beautiful smile. As you research the options available on how to best straighten your child’s teeth, you may begin to consider your own. Finding a family orthodontist that can accommodate everyone can be tricky, but it’s possible! 

Does your smile need a tweak? Do you have issues with your bite alignment that may be causing TMJ symptoms? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you might consider getting braces along with your child. It’s not too late! Dr. Glass offers many options for adults who are ready to start their own smile journey.

Getting braces at the same time as your child offers many benefits for you both.

Save Money & Time

Glass Orthodontics offers flexible financing options that benefit the entire family. Getting two sets of braces (one for you and one for your child) at the same time is often more economical than getting them at separate times. You can also save time by making your appointments together. No more just hanging out in the waiting room while your child gets their braces adjusted. You can be perfecting your own smile at the same time.

Support Each Other

Your child may be apprehensive about getting braces. When mom or dad gets them at the same time, it will the entire family to support each other through the process. When your child sees you breeze through the same procedures, they will be more comfortable and confident going through it themselves.

Watching your teeth begin to straighten is exciting. Each month you will see your smile get closer to how you have always envisioned it could be. Sharing this adventure together is a great bonding experience.

It’s Never Too Late

Maybe you wish you had gotten braces as a child. Or maybe it wasn’t even something you really considered until you began researching braces for your own child. You might have even thought that it was too late. But fortunately, it is never too late to attain the beautiful, healthy smile you’ve always wanted.

Contact Glass Orthodontics today for a complimentary consultation to discuss the benefits of braces for you and your child. The advantages of using a family orthodontist and straightening your teeth together will put a smile on both of your faces!


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Are you curious to learn more? Fill out our easy online form to request your complimentary orthodontic consultation with Dr Timothy Glass.

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Monday 8:00-5:00 pm
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